Mahalo Music Gifts for Kids

3 produkter har hittats
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Mahalo present the Art Series MA1: a compact soprano ukulele that comes graced with stand-out looks - this is the Heart Black edition.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 12 dagar.
Cirka 12 arbetsdagar
391 kr
Mahalo's USMILE/YW is a soprano ukulele that's looks as happy as you will when you play it! You'll be even happier when you hear that it comes complete with a gig bag too!
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 4 veckor.
Cirka 4 veckor
391 kr
Mahalo presents the MD1: a soprano ukulele that's been specifically designed to pack that classic Hawaii vibe. This is the Hibiscus Purple Burst edition.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 4 veckor.
Cirka 4 veckor
403 kr