AKG Vindskydd till mikrofon
5 produkter har hittats
It is always difficult to make a good recording outside. The wind is highly detrimental to the quality of your recordings, but this windscreen reduces the sounds that are caused by the wind as much as possible.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
320 kr
308 kr
Quality is everything in the world of recording and having annoying ambient noises in your recordings can be very annoying. With this windscreen you can keep the wind out of your recordings.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
176 kr
90 kr
Microphone signals can be corrupted by wind, when recording outside. This is why you should always use a windscreen when using your microphone out of doors. This one is specifically designed for AKG's CK series.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
243 kr
177 kr
It would be a shame to let the precise recordings that the C414 and C3000 microphones are capable of, get ruined by the sound of the wind. This is why we recommend that you use these windscreens in order to let your recordings sound better than ever.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 7 veckor.
Cirka 7 veckor
363 kr
350 kr
A must-have for people who own a CK31, CK32 or CK33. Make sure that wind doesn't stand a chance in your recordings and make everything sound even better than before.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 3 veckor.
Cirka 3 veckor
147 kr
116 kr
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