Alesis Piano

4 produkter har hittats
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The Alesis Recital Pro is a full-size digital piano with 88 Hammer-Action keys, 12 samples, various effects and an intuitive user interface.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
5 890 kr
Pre-loaded with 16 hyper-realistic piano sounds and fitted with 88 hammer-action keys, the Alesis Prestige digital piano boasts an effortlessly authentic and natural and playing feel.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 7 veckor.
Cirka 7 veckor
5 914 kr
Designed for beginners as well as experienced pianists, the Alesis Concert digital piano offers the natural feel of 88 semi-weighted keys with adjustable sensitivity and comes loaded with 10 hyper-realistic sounds.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 7 veckor.
Cirka 7 veckor
3 590 kr
Pre-loaded with 16 hyper-realistic piano sounds and fitted with 88 hammer-action keys, the Alesis Prestige digital piano boasts an effortlessly authentic and natural and playing feel.
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Beställ före 22:00 = leverans Onsdag
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4 433 kr