Santos y Mayor Gitarr
4 produkter har hittats
The left-handed edition of the Santos y Mayor Estudio 7 classical guitar delivers rich and balanced acoustic sound via an excellent build.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 10 dagar.
Cirka 10 arbetsdagar
2 019 kr
1 979 kr
A more comfortable option for the younger, growing guitarist, the 3/4-size Santos y Mayor Estudio 7 classical guitar is slightly smaller-than-average and would also serve as a great travel instrument for fully-grown players.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 12 dagar.
Cirka 12 arbetsdagar
1 934 kr
1 766 kr
The full-sized, 4/4 edition of the Santos y Mayor Estudio 7 classical guitar delivers rich and balanced acoustic sound via an excellent build.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 12 dagar.
Cirka 12 arbetsdagar
1 934 kr
1 766 kr
Slightly smaller than standard, this version of the Santos y Mayor Estudio 7 classical guitar is designed for junior student guitarists or serves as a great travel instrument for fully-grown players.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 12 dagar.
Cirka 12 arbetsdagar
1 934 kr
1 766 kr
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