Best Service
59 produkter har hittats
Best Service Cantus Gregorian Chants is a masterpiece by Eduardo Tarilonte. This virtual instrument allows you to produce incredibly realistic, atmospheric Gregorian choir parts and has a word builder for custom chants.
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Beställ före 18:00 = leverans Måndag
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2 449 kr
2 190 kr
The Best Service The Orchestra contains a full virtual orchestra complete with choir. The high level approach to orchestration is perfect for making quick sketches of compositions with a tight deadline.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 842 kr
3 696 kr
Best Service - Kwaya African Voices sets you up with a virtual choir consisting of four male and two female singers that have been individually recorded. You also get a word builder for creating custom phrases in Swahili. Hakuna Matata!
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 187 kr
2 890 kr
With Best Service Desert Winds, you can immediately start adding Middle Eastern instruments to your sound. In addition to a duduk, Persian ney, Turkish ney and a zurna, you get a welcome collection of soundscapes.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 500 kr
1 290 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 083 kr
1 030 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Best Service Origins Vol. 6: Muted Guitar & Harmonics kits you out with two virtual guitars - a palm-muted Fender and a harmonic Gibson - recorded by Mats Lundgren.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Compiling the sound of an ancient and traditional Middle-Eastern folk instrument, the Best Service Arabic E-Oud comes stacked with articulations, velocities, and round robins.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 749 kr
1 682 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
Best Service Origins Vol. 5: Ukulele and Muted Piano combines the chipper sound of a uke with the soft sound of a muted piano. To indulge creative producers, this Kontakt sample library also includes an extensive arpeggiator.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Best Service Origins Vol. 4: Oud and Qanun adds two Middle-Eastern instruments to your virtual instrument collection. The unique timbre of these special stringed instruments can add a lot of colour to your productions.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
973 kr
936 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
The Best Service Lyrical Bundle includes a violin, cello and the dreamy vocals of Conny Kollet; all sampled to perfection. Next to phrases, the violin and cello also come with stunning legato instruments.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 464 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 393 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 943 kr
2 831 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 167 kr
2 085 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 303 kr
2 215 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
From the first five Origins editions, Best Service offer the Origins Bundle Vol. 1-5. Ten well-known yet less accessible instruments in the real world are provided to create unique atmospherics.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 190 kr
3 068 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 464 kr
Best Service Chris Hein - Orchestral Brass EXtended includes three trumpets, three trombones and three horns (sections and solos) and, to complete the brass band, a tuba, euphonium and a sousaphone.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
5 123 kr
4 928 kr
As well as a hefty collection of phrases, Best Service Lyrical Violin Phrases includes a legato instrument, and everything is backed up by unrivalled realism and unique improvisation potential.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 342 kr
1 291 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 167 kr
2 085 kr
Essentially a darker, lower-pitched version of the violin, the viola packs unique expression yet is still often overlooked. Here, Best Service offers the more-than convincing Emotional Viola virtual instrument complete with excellent articulations.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 464 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 426 kr
2 334 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 167 kr
2 085 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 190 kr
1 150 kr
Whether you're working on a nature documentary or an Indiana Jones-style film, the Best Service Forest Kingdom 3 sample library has everything you need.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 313 kr
3 187 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
5 123 kr
4 798 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 393 kr
Best Service Era II pushes forward where Era I stopped, offering producers and fantasy-film-score composers an incomparable collection of medieval and Renaissance-style sound-scapes and instruments.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 313 kr
3 187 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 562 kr
2 393 kr
Looking for the right tools, or rather, virtual instruments for your fantasy-style projects? The Best Service Dark Era library comes loaded with over 20,000 samples including some very special and hard-to-find instruments to set the mood!
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 313 kr
3 187 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
5 690 kr
5 490 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 203 kr
2 156 kr
Best Service Chris Hein - Solo Strings Complete offers access to 14 individually sampled string instruments like violin, viola, cello and double bass for chamber music composition or to thicken up other libraries.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
7 248 kr
6 590 kr
Best Service Chris Hein - Ensemble Strings is a library par excellence for today's virtual orchestrators and includes over 30 articulations and 5,300 samples from superb musicians.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
4 910 kr
4 390 kr
If there's a gaping hole in your sample library, why not fill it with the Best Service Celtic ERA. This immense collection of Celtic instruments has been recorded in exacting detail, and packed out with articulations.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
3 249 kr
2 890 kr
Best Service Accordions 2 compiles a broad selection of carefully sampled accordions, including a French Musette, a Bandoneon, a Melodica and a Steirisches Harmonika.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 449 kr
2 190 kr
As evidenced by our art, films and certainly music as well, us humans have been and will always be fascinated by fantasy. So, if your fascination extends to whispering elves, the Best Service Shevannai: The Voice of Elves plug-in is a dream come true.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
1 916 kr
1 730 kr
Best Service Chris Hein - Horns Compact grants access to tens of brass and woodwind instruments and is a superb sample library for jazz, big-band, funk and even pop.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 265 kr
2 090 kr
Uppskattad leveranstid: 5 dagar.
Cirka 5 arbetsdagar
2 080 kr
1 850 kr