Kernom Bas
3 produkter har hittats
The Kernom Ridge has every right to claim its throne as the most versatile overdrive pedal in the known world. This stompbox wields analogue clipping based on Analog Morphing Core technology.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 11 dagar.
Cirka 11 arbetsdagar
3 583 kr
2 990 kr
By combining analogue clipping with their renowned Mood pot, the Kernom Moho flips through a mind-bending array of fuzz sounds, including an octave up and octave down and ring-modulator-style fuzz.
Uppskattad leveranstid: 11 dagar.
Cirka 11 arbetsdagar
4 182 kr
4 136 kr
The Kernom Elipse single-handedly pushes classic modulation to another level. Flow seamlessly between analogue effects via this revolution of a stompbox and gain dominant creative power.
Uppskattad leveranstid vid lagd beställning: 4 veckor.
Cirka 4 veckor
4 375 kr
4 373 kr
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